Meet the Docs

Dr. Sean Bryan, DC

Dr. Sean founded Coach Family Chiropractic as a family practice grounded in Professional Applied Kinesiology and the Triad of Health.

He firmly believes that structure, chemistry, and emotions all play a role in our physical well-being. Whether he is treating infants and children or adults, athletes or non-athletes, or dealing with chronic injuries, pain, fatigue, hormonal/endocrine imbalances; his priority is to help his patients achieve their goals and address their health concerns.

Dr. Sean and Coach Family Chiropractic are grounded in Giving, Loving, and Serving their community out of their own abundance in order to reach its full potential.

Dr. Sean grew up in Danvers, Massachusetts. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Medical-Biology from the University of New England; and his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Sherman College of Chiropractic in South Carolina. In addition to his 1,000+ hours of hands on training in his clinical rotation, he also graduated with a 200-hour certification in Applied Kinesiology, a 100-hour certification in Upper Cervical Technique, and a Certification in Logan Basic Technique. However, his learning has not stopped there.

Dr. Sean is also seeking to complete his diplomate in Applied Kinesiology, completing a diplomate in Neuro-Emotional Technique, a diplomate in Nutrition, and a certification in animal adjusting. It is Dr. Sean’s goal to be the most equipped he can be in his knowledge and practice in order to best serve his community as a Doctor.

Dr. Matthew Bryan, DC

Dr. Matt joined Coach Family Chiropractic to complement Dr. Sean's expertise in Applied Kinesiology and focuses on the entire musculoskeletal system in terms of movement, strength, and balance.

He specializes in the biomechanics of both the spine and the extremities of the body and seeks to promote and achieve balance across the bodies different muscle groups to keep his patients pain-free and able to perform all of their day-to-day tasks.

Dr. Matt graduated from Quinnipiac University in 2016 with a degree in Biomedical Sciences with a microbiology minor; and his Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from Logan College of Chiropractic in Missouri in 2020. Dr. Matt is certified in Advanced Diversified Technique, Logan Basic Technique, Thompson Technique, Activator Technique, and Cox-Flexion and Distraction Technique. Dr. Matt also utilizes multiple soft-tissue techniques such as Instrument Assisted Myofascial Technique and Soft Tissue Manipulation.

Dr. Matt's goal is to be able to help as many different people as possible and is constantly finding new ways to be able to benefit his patients.

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