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Our Health Process Dedham MA


Whether you are coming in for Chiropractic, Gut Health Services, or Neuropathy, it all starts with a Consult/Exam. During this Consult/Exam, we will:

  1. Go over your Health History
  2. Perform a thorough exam
  3. Provide more information about how our programs work, based on your needs
  4. For Gut Health, we will go over our program recommendations
  5. For Chiropractic, we will provide a complimentary adjustment

Report of Findings (ROF)

For neuropathy and chiropractic, we will have a Report of Findings day within 1-2 Days after  your initial exam. We will go over:

  1. Go over your Exam Results
  2. Review our program recommendations based on your needs
  3. Go over pricing, insurance allowances, and financing options
  4. For Neuropathy, we will perform a complimentary treatment

Correction Phase

No matter the program, the first phase of care is correctional. Your Health is declining. In this phase, we focus on halting the decline and increase healing and recovery.

  • Chiropractic: 90% of patients see a complete resolution of symptoms by the end of the first month
  • Gut Health: 97% of patients see healthy weight loss and an improvement of symptoms within the first month
  • Neuropathy: This is dependent on the nature of a patient's symptoms and severity of nerve damage. Many patient's with less nerve damage and/or experiencing pain-like symptoms see improvement within the first moth, and considerable improvement within the first 90-Days. Patients with more severe nerve damage or experiencing numbness, may take as much as 6-9 months to see improvement. It is also important to note that, this is highly dependent on how well you follow our program recommendations.

Stabilization Phase

Now that your health is improving, we work to maintain the stability of the healing for longer lasting results.


Our re-exams typically occur after 3 months of care, but it can depend on the severity of your condition or needs of the program. 3 months is usually the minimal amount of time needed to see improvement in our re-exams from an objective stand-point.

Wellness Care

Health is not a state that once achieved will never fade. Health is a lifelong commitment. We know that can be scary and daunting, but we work hard to provide you as much information and support you need to achieve it. Whether its from maintenance chiropractic care or supplements, or the knowledge and information you need to maintain a healthy diet. We are your partners for as long as you wish to have us.

Get a $49 Consult/Exam


Inflamed Gut

Gut Health

Thermal scans of feet with neuropathy


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