We use a wide range of techniques when performing chiropractic adjustments. Every Patient is different and every adjustment requires its own specific correction. We can handle any type of adjustment in our office, because of our knowledge in a wide range of techniques.
A diagnostic technique using muscle testing to examine how well the body functions.
Focused on the upper neck area, this technique aims to restore balance to the spine and nervous system. The lower portions of the brain stem funnel through these vertebrae. Upper Cervical Technique allows for us to give the safest and most specific adjustments possible!
A hands-on adjustment technique that adresses every joint in the body to enhance full body motion. This includes the Spine, the Hips, the Shoulder, the Knee, the Hands, and the Feet.
Precise adjustments based on nerve scans and thorough examination to address specific misalignments.
Utilizes a handheld device for precise and gentle adjustments. Great for elderly patients or patients with brittle bones or even if you're just nervous about manual adjustments in general!
This technique focuses on the skull and aims to restore balance by addressing imbalances in the head that throw off the entire nervous system function! This is super effective for people who have suffered concussions and other head traumas
Designed for pregnant women to promote pelvic alignment for smoother pregnancies. This technique helps keep babies in the womb in the right position and can even reposition the baby out of breech position!
Addresses spinal tension by applying light pressure at the base of the spine. Great for pregnant women and babies!
A soft tissue technique using specialized instruments to reduce scar tissue and muscle restrictions.
A non-surgical technique relieving pressure on spinal discs, reducing pain, and promoting healing.
Active Release Technique (ART), O/I Technique, Facial Flush, Strain/Counterstrain, and more: Various manual therapies focusing on muscles, tendons, and ligaments to enhance flexibility, reduce pain, and restore function.
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